End chapter six.
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Chapter Six
- by Emily Brackhan
- by Emily Brackhan
- by Otty Justason
- by Jennifer Canby
- by Grace
- by Kung Fu Space Barbarian
Ch5 p43
And that’s it. Two years in the making, chapter 5 finally rolls to the finish. I cannot begin to express how relieved I am to see the end of this one 🙂 Now that I have you spoiled for daily updates I’ll be taking another break although I anticipate it will be a (relatively) brief one. I’m already tinkering with chapter 6 and it’s going to be a short chapter so we’ll see. Thank you for reading and being here the last two roller coaster weeks. Stay safe and I’ll see you soon.
Ch5 p42
Face first splashdown. Let the record show that Delta-v called it 🙂
Waaay back on Page 24 I speculated that it was the grossest thing I would ever draw. Nope, definitely topped it 🙂
Last page drops tomorrow. May be a few hours delay in getting it posted due to some real life obligations but if will be up for sure tomorrow at some point.